32 data analytics could offer a helping hand with risk mitigation , experience enhancement , the creation of new business models as well as revenue and profitability maximation . Yet , whilst many participants had meticulous roadmaps and strategies underway , executing them was another matter .
A seasoned professional in the data analytics space , Satish H . C ., Executive Vice President and Head of Data Analytics , highlights that data analytics is a mounting challenge because businesses “ aren ’ t just dealing with more data within the enterprise , they ’ re also dealing with data coming from outside the business .” In fact , the survey found that some of the biggest challenges facing companies stemmed from integrating multiple datasets from a variety of sources , according to 44 % of overall respondents . However , this is merely one of a handful of challenges facing businesses as they prepare for today ’ s digital age : many executives also pointed out that they were overwhelmed with the number of tools and technologies on the market and admitted that they felt their current systems architecture and technologies weren ’ t mature enough .
MARCH 2019