Interestingly , but perhaps unsurprisingly , one of the biggest takeaways from the report underlined the widening skills gap . Businesses admitted that they struggled to make the most of the opportunities presented by data analytics because of this , with twofifths ( 40 %) of leaders identifying a lack of analytics skills in their organisation . “ In today ’ s world , the paradigm has completely changed ,” observes H . C . “ Now , if you don ’ t know programming you can ’ t be very successful in data analysis .” He explains that unlike older perceptions of data analytics
( whereby if you ’ re good with technology packages and if you knew the business , you would be successful ), “ today ’ s new wave of skilled professionals will need much stronger knowledge of programming and underlying platforms ”. On top of this , the type of work that data analysts are doing is changing rapidly . “ What this means is that the composition of skills that we need is changing ; we need a larger proportion of people who are programming- savvy and we need analytical skills more than ever ,” he explains . “ Apart from this , we ’ re also just dealing with greater and greater amounts
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