Technology Magazine March 2020 | Page 137

137 has extensive experience in cybersecurity and cloud technologies . In the Information Technology arena , Jackson mentioned that “ there ’ s a much bigger focus on security and the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification ( CMMC ) that was released in January . An accredited third party assessor will independently assess whether internal information systems of companies that perform DoD work ( including suppliers ) have the required cybersecurity controls in place to meet the assigned cyber maturity level .” With new levels of security in cloud , Jackson is also seeing companies shifting to this technology . “ Cloud solutions now meet the stringent security requirements of our industry , so companies are now starting to pivot .”
Further discussing data security , Jackson explains the company ’ s own efforts since 2018 to develop its data security methods . “ Keeping up with the ever-increasing security threats for people who want to steal your data , while also meeting the new industry compliance standards such as the CMMC , are core challenges when it
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