138 comes to data security as it changes so fast .” At Aerojet Rocketdyne , the company has a threat hunting program which allows the company to proactively measure its security posture rather than only relying on traditional threat management measures such as firewalls . In addition , “ we are currently embarking on an Enterprise Information Management initiative to establish a data governance program . This program will assist with the standardisation and integration of data and metrics across the enterprise .”
When it comes to the innovative evolution of the company , Avakian explains that over the last two years the company has “ pivoted from a traditional IT architecture which relies heavily on on-premise infrastructure to a hybrid architecture .” In particular , Avakian highlights the company ’ s adoption of cloud technology , microservices and robotic process automation ( RPA ). “ Over the last couple of years we have transitioned our Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) system from an on-premise solution to a cloud provider . Our data is housed in a FedRAMP data centre with aroundthe-clock support .” In addition to the cloud , the company has begun conducting an RPA proof-of-concept with its Finance department . “ This will reduce costs , eliminate input errors , speed up business processes ,
MARCH 2020