Technology Magazine May 2018 | Page 47

“ It ’ s not about the data . It ’ s about the business . You should be viewing the data through the lens of your business and seeing the things that are meaningful to you ”

– Tony Brookes , founder , didici
This business is doubtless set for expansion , but where does it plan to go next ? “ Clients are looking at ways to harness technology as effectively as possible ,” Ogle muses . “ I love the way technology has developed and evolved over the past 15 years . It ’ s been incredible . In 2003 , there was no Facebook , Twitter , online customer satisfaction surveys or iPhones . Brands have had to grow and change with these technologies . Take Domino ’ s Pizza for example : their biggest single department is now IT and it ’ s commonly referred to as a tech company that happens to sell pizzas .
That ’ s a trend we will continue to see both on the high street and online . It ’ s exciting to support these brands as they grow .” Brookes adds that a shift toward mobile is something didici has built itself around . “ We put a tonne of energy into making sure you can pull up the exact same dashboard on any device and it will just adapt . That is a massive technology challenge people are facing , irrespective of where you are in retail .”
As brands increasingly work across multiple platforms , making sure every aspect reaches its full potential is the only way to beat the competition .