Technology Magazine May 2018 | Page 52


THE ADOPTION OF home smart speakers , particularly Amazon Echo , has seen a remarkable jump over the past 12 months and the exponential increase is expected to continue in the years to come . Research from OC & C Strategy Consultants earlier this year showed Amazon ’ s Echo has 10 % penetration of American homes , leading the way from Google ’ s Home ( 4 %) and Microsoft ’ s Cortana ( 2 %).
Overall , 13 % of homes have smart speakers and that ’ s expected to rise to 55 % over the next four years – good news for all the tech giants except Apple , which appears to have been left behind due to Siri ’ s lack of AI capabilities . But just where is the limit for this brave new world which we now inhabit ? To find out , Gigabit spoke to
52 May 2018