Scott Amyx , a global thought leader in exponential technologies who describes his work as “ ushering in the fourth industrial revolution ”.
According to Amyx , we are at a fascinating period in history with regards to AI user technologies and interfaces as they now begin to become wore widely adopted on a mass scale . “ The acceleration of the AI curve is getting to a point where it ’ s becoming more pervasive ,” says Amyx , who is also a managing partner with Amex Ventures , a venture capital firm .
“ We ’ re just scratching the surface , and one of the things we ’ re going to start to see is that just about every industry is going to be disrupted .
“ We ’ re at a very interesting point from human-machine interface ( HMI ) in the sense that we are starting to move slowly away from touch-based to the next category , which is speech-based .
“ Things like Amazon Echo , Dot , Google Home , Home pods and so forth , these are carved by things like Alexa , API services , Google Assistant , Cortana for Microsoft . These technologies are starting to get integrated into everything from
timeless vehicles , to home products .” Such is the pervasion of these technologies that voice commerce is now being seen as the next major disruptive force in retail , and this is backed up by the OC & C Strategy Consultants study referenced earlier .
It calculates that voice shopping is set to jump to $ 40bn by 2022 , rising from $ 2bn today , and Google CEO
54 May 2018