Technology Magazine November 2019 | Page 33

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘ WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP ( WRC ) – ALL LIVE !’ 33 consumer tastes were undergoing a dramatic shift . “ When I came to the WRC , everything was produced the same way it had been , say , 10 to 15 years previously ,” he recalls . “ For example , when something happened at a rally – a crash , a leaderboard change , etc – people were learning about it immediately via Twitter ,” but the nature of the WRC ’ s setups was such that , sometimes , it would take hours to obtain and broadcast the footage . “ This wasn ’ t the sort of stateof-the-art production setup the sport deserves ,” says Ruth .
Over the past three years , Ruth has overseen the digital transformation of the WRC ’ s broadcasting strategy from the ground up . However , the process of digitally transforming that strategy hasn ’ t been without its challenges , many of them as a result of the sport ’ s unique nature . “ When I first saw how the WRC was being produced ... it ’ s a really complex and a very difficult production . In comparison to a Formula 1 race or a football match , where it all takes place in an overseeable space , the rally is just absolutely crazy ,” laughs Ruth .
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