What ’ s your top priority right now ? Samsung has a vision of connected living ; having billions of connected devices all working together intelligently . We ’ re creating a world where devices and services are transforming into truly seamless consumer experiences . Imagine every electronic device that you own , all speaking to each other and all operating autonomously .
In the UK , two out of three households have at least one Samsung product . From 2020 onwards , we ’ ve committed to having all of our devices
be connectable . Everything we produce from sometime next year will be able to connect to a network , whether it ’ s a fridge , an oven , your phone , tablet , etc . Whatever it is , they ’ ll all work together seamlessly .
If you think of that as our primary focus , everything else branches off from it . In order to have connected living you need 5G . You need the Internet of Things . You need AI as it becomes predictive . All of those things are going to be priorities going forward .
What ’ s on the horizon for Samsung and yourself going into 2020 and beyond ? Samsung ’ s plan for the UK is to be driving 5G penetration , and by that I mean encouraging the take up of 5G devices , which means we need to work with our partners on the content and experience , because we have got to give consumers a real genuine reason to buy .
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