Technology Magazine October 2017 | Page 124

sophisticated enterprise users , in a given market , to give them business just by coming up and saying ‘ Hi , I ’ m the new guy on the block . I ’ m going to do a good job for you .’
“ You have no track record , and this is a business of trust . The enterprise person is going to be loathed to trust you over someone who ’ s been in the market for three years , five years , ten years , and has that track record . That ’ s why we look to seek out acquisitions as our market entry method , after we ’ ve underwritten the viability and attractiveness
of a given market . That ’ s exactly what we did with 365 ’ s assets .”
Amongst the myriad of challenges of operating a clutch of data centers across the United States is one of sustainability . Data centers are by their nature power hungry beasts that demand round-the-clock attention . To that end , DataBank measures the energy output of its centers on a PUE ( percentage utilisation effectiveness ) basis .
“ It ’ s a pretty simple concept , which is how much power is the entire data center using ? That ’ s what ’ s on
128 October 2017