Legacy Park Data Center ( DFW 3 ) - Plano , TX the numerator . The denominator is how much power are our customers consuming ?” says Martynek .
“ The closer you can get that number to one , the more efficient you are , because I can ’ t change the power usage of my customer ’ s equipment , that ’ s his decision , but I can ensure that my facility operates as efficiently as possible . We ’ ve been doing a lot there to ensure that we get to a very low number . Our facilities in Utah are at like 1.2 , 1.3 , which is very , very strong . We ’ re only using 200 to 300 KW per megawatt to run the entire facility .
That ’ s how we measure sustainability . “ The market ’ s starting to evolve where we ’ re able to purchase power from more sustainable long-term renewable type of sources . I think you see , across the industry , big commitments , not only from the large customers , like the Apples and the Googles and the Amazons of the world , but even our larger data center competitors are demanding that type of option . I think those are going to trickle down to us , because we ’ re still a small consumer compared to them . I think we ’ re
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