TECHNOLOGY enablement ,” reflects Hilliard . “ We now recognize that when we ’ re implementing a new system , there ’ s a change to the technology , certainly , but there ’ s also a change to the people and the process .
“ We ask ourselves , if we are going to make this technology change , are the people trained properly , are they prepared for it , did we communicate it to them properly , and have we adjusted the processes properly ?”
Driving innovation One notable product that Hilliard is proud of is Walden University ’ s newly revamped student portal . “ Just like every technology , it gets old over time , and so we made a real effort to build a contemporary student experience ,” says Hilliard .
“ Not only am I proud of the solution , I think it ’ s also a great example of the teamwork between the different facets of the organization that needed to come together to think about the student ,” he adds .
“ It ’ s important to build relationships ,” adds Hilliard , “ you can ’ t do it alone . Everyone has to pull together and focus on doing the right thing for the student .”
Laureate Online is also embarking on a new technological innovation by migrating
Laureate Education is the largest global network of degree-granting higher education institutions with nearly 70 campus-based and online universities in 25 countries
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