The benefits to Centrica The benefits of its AI journey are already being felt at Centrica .
“ The foundational benefits are really around productivity and smarter working ,” adds James . “ Some of the impacts are in micro behaviours which drive frustration and loss of valuable time . For example , we can see a huge volume of time is spent in meetings , and lots of time is spent on meeting administration . Now , minutes get transcribed instantly after the meeting , and they can read the action straight away . And if you didn ’ t make it to the meeting , you can get an instant recap .
“ Other benefits are more transformational for a specific area of our value chain . For example , we are using AWS Connect to manage customer contact and drive improved customer satisfaction . AI is allowing us to live transcribe calls , view live sentiment analysis and complete autowrap , without adding to the load of our front line colleagues .”
These are just examples . James reels off a list of success stories Centrica is already delivering : each one helping to augment the productivity of colleagues and supporting improved customer experiences .
“ Overall , it is about making our colleagues and customers ’ lives simpler and with less friction , whilst increasing their digital literacy at the same time ,” says James .
It is the quality of planning , and the detailed focus on the ‘ human side ’ of the transformation , that comes through as a critical piece of the AI jigsaw puzzle .
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