and personalised experience .”
This calls back to Murphy ’ s experience , not only in the gaming and entertainment sectors , but working with technology across multiple outside sectors and bringing the best practices from those sectors into the online gambling space .
Most if not all online gambling and entertainment companies utilise a white label platform , one that is built by a third part developer and utilised by the host company . BetBright has developed its own SportsBook .
Developed 100 % in house , The Sportsbook platform provides
BetBright with a level of control that most other online gambling companies cannot surpass .
As Murphy notes , it allows BetBright to be more agile and more customer focused than most of their competition .
“ This level of control means that we are extremely responsive ,” he says .” In the time it would take some of our competitors to set up meetings to discuss something that has been flagged , or an interesting opportunity on the horizon , we ’ ve already delivered new innovations to production . With this control , we can deliver new software at least twice a week .”
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