and implement change . “ A lot of the platforms you buy are very powerful but they are very much for technology people or data scientists to use ,” says Brookes . “ They spend forever concocting ways of getting data into it , then if that person isn ’ t there on the day , the report doesn ’ t get run .”
“ It isn ’ t easy for people to digest the output ,” he continues . “ If people have a question in response to some PDF they ’ ve been sent that is the output of these tools , they have to ask the person , who has to go away and come up with the answer .” With didici , however , the answer is available on demand to anyone who might need it , rather than a select few . “ You have a question , you click , you get an answer . You should not have to view it through the lens of data because it ’ s not about the data . It ’ s about the business . You should be viewing the data through the lens of your business and seeing the things that are meaningful to you . The data needs to help you react to something , or take a great idea and roll it out , or predict what might happen it the future .”
Ogle adds : “ Using analysis to extract insights from data is not a new concept , of course . However , as the number and type of users grow , it becomes almost impossible to effectively share information and collaborate . What we ’ re trying to do with didici is remove those barriers , democratising access to business insights . Business users and operators get the velocity and agility they need while the company maintains consistent data governance and can still continue to allow for integration , consistency and unlimited growth .”
Didici ’ s slick platform makes some current methods seem archaic . Brookes recalls showing a client a dashboard that had been created within just 48 hours . The client